Asbury and Epworth Fire Conduct Live Fire Training at County Fire Training Facility
By Firefighter/EMT-P Kyle Knutson
May 16, 2023
Epworth Fire and Asbury Fire participated in a joint live fire, search, and rescue training at the Dubuque County Regional Emergency Responder Training Facility on Monday, May 15, 2023. During the drill, firefighters advanced hose lines through the building to attack the live fire. Members also participated in search and rescue evolutions and removing a rescue mannequin in various situations. Members were able to practice Pump Operations, Rapid Intervention Training, all while incorporating incident command. The training cumulated numerous classroom sessions and is a rare opportunity for our members to bring it all together in an all-inclusive training. This training requires a lot of preparation for an organization and helps keep our firefighters safe. We do this live fire training at least once a year. We thank our friends at the Asbury Fire Department for coordinating their instructors with our instructors to provide a valuable training experience for both our departments.